Authentic Happiness: Teaching Kids To Be Happy

kids jumping for joy at a party with confetti

We all know that deep down, happiness is not acquiring the latest gadget, the prettiest wife, the newest car, the biggest house or the best job. Experts conclude that being happy is a state of mind.

Teaching kids true authentic happiness starts at home and starts with our attitude.

Here are some simple ways to make our homes and our kids truly happy:

1. Be Upbeat

I am glass half full kind of person so being happy is pretty easy for me. However, studies have show that even grumpy people can learn to be positive.

What does it take?
Train yourself to look for the good.

As a parent we can think about the negative:
“My kids are out of control!”

Or we can be positive:
“My kids are high energy and enthusiastic!”

More negative: “I am so disorganized. I will never get this house cleaned!”

More positive: “I am laid back but I always manage to get things done.”

Once we are positive in our heads our optimism will spill over into our interactions with our kids. This can have a tremendous impact on the well-being of our family and create a feel-good atmosphere in our homes.

2. Be Grateful

I have a friend who lives on the outskirts of a very posh neighborhood. As she drove through her town, she would say to her kids, “Wouldn’t it be nice to live in that house? Look at that gorgeous house, I would love to live there.”

She slowly realized that she was being a poor role model for her kids. She was laying the groundwork for a life of discontent, of always wanting more. Instead, she realized she needed to talk of ways that she was grateful for what she had.

Now, as she drives past the mansions, she concentrates on talking to her kids about school, friends or other neutral topics. She also makes sure to say things like:

“I love our home. It is so comfortable and cozy here.”
“I am so grateful to have you in my life.”

3. Be Funny

In our family we love goofiness. We actually pride our self on it. Dinner is often spent sharing the most awful, corny jokes and sharing the worst puns. We have our own little secret nonsensical words that we use. Don’t worry we don’t subject our guests to it. We try to be on our best behavior for the company.
But seriously, being funny brings our family together in a great way.

Cultivating authentic happiness does not need to be difficult. Being upbeat, grateful, and funny can go a long way in giving your child the tools he needs to grow up to be a healthy adult.

What do you think?

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