New LIVE Class: April 30 2012: Defiant Children: Simple Ways To Avoid Power Struggles

There are many children who act defiant. They will say:

“You can’t tell me what to do!”
“You are not the boss of me!”
“Why should I listen to you, you never do anything for me!”

Parents are often at a loss on how to deal with defiance and the power struggles that ensue. Some parents get mad and respond angrily. Many parents will lecture their child on the evils of disrespectful behavior. Other parents ignore it and hopes it goes away. All parents find it to be a frustrating and annoying part of the parenting experience.

The first step in dealing with defiant kids is to recognize that the defiance we see in our kids is not all bad. Defiant kids are independent minded. Our goal as parents is to help children be autonomous so that they can make it on their own and be productive members of society. Defiant or independent minded kids already have a strong dose of the self-reliance that they will need in the future. They will have an easier time making it in the world. They will be able to stand on their own two feet more naturally.

Once we recognize defiance as a strength, parents can channel the negative behavior in a positive way. We want to cultivate the independence that a defiant child exhibits. But we also want to make sure that he is respectful. We want to avoid at all costs getting pulled into the fights that a defiant child seems to enjoy.

In our newest LIVE class, we will discuss ways to avoid power struggles with defiant children and teach them to be respectful at the same time.

Join our newest LIVE class:

When Your Child Is Defiant: Simple Ways To Avoid Power Struggles

April 30, 2012

8-9:30 pm EST

Join us for our exciting and highly informative workshop:
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When Your Child Is Defiant: Simple Ways To Avoid Power Struggles

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