Is Spending Time With Your Kids Out Of Vogue?

Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 12.02.18 PMIn our last blog post I gave a recap of our Book Club meeting. We discussed the book, The Five Love Languages of Children

In the article, I wrote, “One participant felt that most of the parenting advice that she had gotten over the years highlighted spending time with your kids; that was the best way to help kids feel loved. The philosophy in our book, The Five Love Languages of Children,overturned that notion.”

A reader commented:”Hard to believe that spending time with your kids is out of vogue…”

I am so glad that I have the opportunity to clarify this point. That is not what I meant at all!
The book, The Five Love Languages of Children, obviously, outlines the 5 Love Languages of Children:

The book did not say that if your child’s love language is not, Quality Time then you should not spend time with them. However, it really discusses how to connect with each child according to what they need. One participant said that this book reminded her of the discussions we have had in the past about children’s temperaments. Children who are extroverts will need you to talk to them a lot and spend time with them talking. Introverted children might need you to spend time with them, not talking, just being in the same room with them.

I feel that the whole point of the book is to teach us how to deepen our connection with our kids- really understand what they need.

Furthermore, this point actually came up in our book club as well. I still believe that spending time with your kids is probably the most important part of parenting and the best way to help your child feel loved. Courtney, explained that the 4 love languages, (aside from Quality Time), Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts and Acts of Service usually require that you spend time connecting with your kids. You usualy need to be in the same room to give words of affirmation, physical touch, give gifts or be the giver and recipient of an act of service.

So there you have it! Go forth and continue to spend time with your kids! Enjoy!

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