
30 Days To Being A Better, Calmer Mom

I started off with the intention of facilitating my already successful parenting classes on the web and via teleconference. I never expected that I would take to the writing and enjoy the world of Mommy blogging so much. It has opened up a whole new world for me. I have learned so much from my readers and my colleagues.

I was writing almost an article a day and it was suggested that I compile the articles into a book.

Then the question came up what sort of book. I decided to write about something that has been my passion all these years, how to be a better, calmer Mom.

Through this journey of being a better, calmer Mom I have realized many things:

Being a better and calmer Mom means that I need to lose perfection as a goal. I needed to be more compassionate and empathetic with myself. I needed to come to terms with my limitations and my unrealistic views of what being a “good Mom” meant.

It meant using the tools that I teach not to achieve perfection but to create a warm, loving, home where respect is given and where mistakes are made and celebrated.

I hope you enjoy this book….


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