
Holdiays & Sibling Rivalry: The Best Way to Keep The Fights Away

Sibling Rivalry: The Best Way to Keep The Fights Away

Sibling Rivalry is tough especially around the holidays when we have so much family time! It is during holiday vacation time that we feel like we are dealing with little battles all day long. It seems as if kids are always bickering and squabbling. Here is one simple way that we can help our kids get along.

We can: Acknowledge children’s feelings as they stop the unacceptable behavior.

It is easier for children to change their behavior when their feelings are accepted. When feelings are ignored children may not feel motivated to improve their behavior.

Here is an example:

Instead of Yelling and Accusing:

Accept Your Child’s Feelings As You Stop Unacceptable Behavior:

This helps role model for our kids how to be caring human beings and treat their siblings well. If we accept their feelings and show we understand then kids will most likely follow suit.

It is particularly around the holidays that we want to reinforce caring and giving.  We want to teach children to respect others and to value another person’s dignity. Respecting our children’s feelings thereby maintaining their dignity helps. Accepting our children’s feelings is the best technique that parents can use and is helpful even in the most difficult parenting situations.

Let us know what you do in your home to keep sibling rivalry at bay!

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