
7 Fun Crafts Perfect for Summer

7 fun crafts for summer

I know that parents are scrambling for activities to do with their children. I am all about simple and easy, especially when it comes to arts and crafts.   to celebrate summer vacation, I have gathered 7 of my most popular and easy to follow crafts you can do with your kids this summer!

Head to the pantry, grab some supplies and start crafting!

My go-to list of 7 fun crafts perfect for summer:

  1. Squishy BagsThese sensory or squishy bags, as my students like to call them, are uncomplicated and effortless. You probably have most of the materials floating around someplace in your house.
  2. Sensory Bin
    Children use their senses to explore, learn and make sense of the world around them. They do this by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, moving, and hearing. Children (and adults) learn best and retain information when they engage all their senses.Sensory play is any activity that stimulates your young child’s senses: touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight, and hearing. It is important for brain development and is great for calming stressed and anxious children. Perhaps we can all use a little extra calm this summer.Sensory bins can offer all of this and are super simple to put together.
  3.  Calming JarThese are so easy to make, and it allows our kids to create something that can help them relax during downtime.
  4.  Paint RocksMy kids loved this activity. I would buy some washable paint and we would collect rocks and then paint them. Even very young children can do this.  An even better activity? Do this when the sprinkler is running. You have an instant way to wash and cool off. Sometimes, if I didn’t have paint, we would just paint the rocks with water. Simple, right?
  5. Make PopsiclesWhen my kids were young the summer rule was that ice cream and popsicles needed to be eaten outside. We would make our own popsicles, nothing fancy, from grape or orange juice. Full disclosure: We ate a lot of ice cream and popsicles in the summertime.
  6. Make BubblesSo easy to make and ENDLESS amounts of fun!I follow this recipe to make bubbles.
  7. Do a Puzzle Although not necessarily a craft, puzzles are a great way to spend time together AND create something (you can even glue it and frame it!) with your kids this summer.Puzzles are great for kids as they help improve cognitive skills such as: sorting, comparing, classifying, grouping, deducing, analyzing and sequencing. How’s that for a list of skills puzzles draw on? Problem-solving, reasoning, and logical thinking are also fostered. Children engage in trial and error strategies to fit pieces.

Which craft will you start with? Tag me on Instagram with your final products!


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