
Passover: More Ways To Talk So Kids Will Clean

How To Talk So Kids Will Clean

In our last post we spoke about how Passover is right around the corner and parents rely on their kid’s help to get all the holiday prep work done.

We discussed 2 of my favorite techniques from the book, “How To Talk So Kids Will Listen”, “Give Choices” and “Give Information.”

Here are some more tips based on “How To Talk So Kids Will Listen”

1. Describe the Problem:
Instead of: “You never listen or help! How many times do I have to tell you to clean I need help peeling vegetables!”
Try: “There is a whole bag full of potatoes and carrots that need to be peeled.”

2. Give information:
Instead of: You are making such a mess with those vegetables!
Try: “Vegetables need to be peeled over some old newspapers.”

3. Give Choices:
Instead of: “You better help out now!
Try: “Do you want to peel vegetables or set the table?”

4. Say it with a Word:
Instead of: I have asked you 10 times to help out and you are just sitting there! You are being so lazy!
Try: “The vegetables!”

5. Talk about Your Feelings:
Instead of: “Get off the computer right now and help!”
Try: “I feel so frustrated when I have to ask you more than once to help out, especially on Erev Pesach.

6. Write a Note:
Instead of: “We need to clean the pantry, the drawers and the chairs. Then we need to bake cakes and cookies….

Dear Family,

These are the things that need to be done the following days:

Things to be cleaned:


Things to be cooked:


Please let me know what job works for you.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Also, don’t forget to be positive:

Start with yourself:

Instead of:

“I am never going to be able to get everything I need to get done for Passover done!”

“I can’t get it together!”

Try this:

“I can do this! I can manage and cope. It will all work out in the end.”

Hope this helps!


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