April Perry – Parenting Simply Monthly Teleseminar Series

Before you complete your order for the live class on taking care of mom…

I want to offer you the chance to get an entire year of Parenting Simply Teleseminars just like this one!

If you were to buy these amazing teleseminars individually, you’ll pay a total of $79.70!

But for just $57, you can get every Parenting Simply teleseminar, featuring 10 recognized parenting experts…

No Thanks, I just want to sign up for the class today: (Click Here)

We’ve lined up an extraordinary list of speakers for this year-long event. We’ll tackle some of today’s toughest topics, like:

  • Protecting your child from bullies (September 12)
  • How and why children develop eating disorders, and what you can do to prevent it (February 11)
  • Discipline, and how to get a great response without being seen as a drill sergeant (December 10)

Plus, we’ll cover more advanced topics that will help you raise more confident, capable, and giving children, like:

  • Entitlement-proofing your child – teach her to love giving more than she receives (January 14)
  • Character – help your kids learn the importance of doing the right thing, even when no one is watching (October 22)
  • Nurturing connections – strong bonds make healthy families (March 4)
  • And much, much more.

Each month, we’ll feature a well-respected parenting expert who will lead a discussion of critical importance to today’s parent. You’ll have a chance to listen and learn, plus get your questions answered during the follow-up Q & A. Take a look at the speakers we’ve lined up below…

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Amy Burzinski: Bully Proofing Your Child

In today’s world, kids are facing tougher challenges than ever before. Classrooms and playgrounds should be safe places where kids can be kids, but unfortunately, bullies are making even these happy places dangerous for your children. Learn how to give them the tools they need to protect themselves.

Amy Burzinski is a licensed clinical social worker. Over the past two decades Amy has worked with individuals and families affected by bullying, domestic violence, substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. Amy regularly provides trainings to mental health professionals, educators and administrators on bullying prevention, child abuse, domestic violence, stress management and critical incident stress debriefings. She provides workshops on topics which include bullying prevention, character education, trauma and stress.

Amy currently works as a school and group counselor at schools and summer camps, where she develops and facilitates groups for students and faculty. She also teaches college courses at several universities. Additionally, Amy travels the United States, from New York to Los Angeles, providing customized bullying prevention seminars, trainings, workshops and interventions.

Amy also provides seminars on stress management, child abuse, and domestic violence.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Harriet Cabelly: Character Counts – Building Character Strengths in Our Children

Character means doing the right thing – even when no one is looking. As adults, we understand this, but getting through to your children can be a bit more difficult. Harriet Cabelly is here to help.

Harriet is a social worker and life coach emphasizing living life to its fullest and creating a good life out of (or despite) adversity. In this audio recording, Harriet helps you understand your child’s feelings, so that you can help him or her deal with them in a positive, healthy manner.

Learn more about Harriet at RebuildYourLifeCoach.com and read the latest from her blog. Harriet is also a parent coach and facilitates many parent workshops.  She is passionate about empowering parents to be the best they can be.  “We only get 18 years to ‘technically’ raise our kids.  Let’s parent in the most conscious and reflective way possible.”

Monday, November 12,  2012

Dr. Shira Wiesen: Emotional IQ- Empowering Our Children to Become Smarter Emotionally

Book learning is easy, but building your child’s emotional IQ is much more difficult. Of course, that doesn’t make it any less important, just ask Dr. Wiesen.

Shira Wiesen is a licensed clinical psychologist in Cleveland, Ohio.  She has extensive training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), an empirically proven therapy for adolescents who struggle with intense, unstable emotions and engage in suicidal, self injurious, and/or other risky behaviors.  Shira runs a successful Intensive Outpatient Program for such adolescents at Psychological and Behavioral Consultants in the Beachwood area.

While her area of expertise is working with challenging adolescents, DBT skills are of great utility for all individuals seeking to refine their own skills and insight. DBT addresses important emotional skills in areas such as managing and regulating strong emotions, enriching and expanding relationships, and increasing and strengthening self-awareness.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mary Tamborski: Positive Discipline Tools for Keeping the Joy in Parenting

Mary Nelsen Tamborski received her BA from San Diego State University and her MA in Marriage and Family Counseling from the University of Phoenix. She is now a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Intern and is being supervised by Aisha Pope at Roots and Wings Counseling and Consulting in La Mesa.

Mary completed her practicum at the Alvarado Parkway Institute in San Diego working with people suffering from severe mental illness and substance abuse. However, her specialty is helping couples and individuals (including adolescents) discover the blocks that keep them from living their inner joy.

Mary’s formal training is secondary to the life training she received from her mother, Dr. Jane Nelsen, a Marriage and Family Therapist and author of the Positive Discipline books. From the earliest time she can remember her mother and father had her involved in respectful communication, encouragement, and focusing on solutions.

Mary loves being a wife to husband Mark and a mother to her son’s Greyson and Reid. Since Mary’s first love is being the mother of two young boys, it was a natural for her to become a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and to share with others all she has learned (and is still learning) in parenting classes and workshops. She is also available for lectures and individual parent coaching.

Mary is a therapist whose own life is an example of the joy in living that can be found by living the principles and skills she teaches.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dr. Deborah Gilboa: Teaching Kids to Pay it Forward: Entitlement-proof your kids by involving them in your community!

Getting your kids involved is the best way to teach them to be responsible, productive adults who give back. Don’t let them fall into the entitlement trap that causes so many of their peers to act out and become unpleasant teenagers not even their mothers want to hang out with.

Dr. G (Deborah Gilboa, MD) is a board certified Family Physician and mother of four. Founder of Ask Doctor G, a resource for parents and educators with questions about child behavior, Dr. G leads seminars all over the US empowering parents to raise kids they can respect and admire!

February 11,  2013

Dr. Adena Zlochower: Understanding Eating Disorders: How Genetics Loads the Gun and Environment Pulls the Trigger

If there is one thing that terrifies today’s parents, it’s eating disorders. Learn the signs, and how you can arm your kids against this all-too-common threat.

Adena Zlochower, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders. Dr. Zlochower received her doctorate in clinical and developmental psychology from the University of Pittsburgh and completed an internship in pediatric psychology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. She practices at the Cleveland Center for Eating Disorders with an emphasis on treating eating disorders in children and adolescents using the Maudsley family based treatment approach and in adults with enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In addition, Dr. Zlochower uses CBT approaches to treat co-occurring disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and body dissatisfaction.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rebecca Thompson: Nurturing Connection: What You Need to Know About Emotional Expression, Bonding, and Healthy Families

We spend so much time worrying about school and physical health and safety that it’s easy to forget that emotional health is critical for kids to grow up healthy and happy. Learn how to foster emotional well-being and a strong family bond that will last a lifetime

Rebecca Thompson is the founder and executive director of The Consciously Parenting Project. Rebecca has been actively educating parents and facilitating parent groups and workshops that encourage conscious decision-making in family life since 1998.

As a wife and the mother of two boys, she has personal as well as professional experience navigating the terrain of parenting. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education and a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, with specialized training in attachment and trauma. Rebecca is the author of four books, which are part of the Consciously Parenting series.

Consciously Parenting: What It Really Takes to Raise Emotionally Healthy Families, was released March of 2012. Rebecca’s second book, Creating Connection: Essential Tools for Growing Families through Conception, Birth, and Beyond, will be released October 2012. The third book of the series, Nurturing Connection, will be released in March 2013. The final book, Repairing Connection, will be released in October 2013.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April Perry: Mom’s Quiet 101: Learn To Take Care Of Yourselves So You Can Take Care Of Kids

Moms need nurturing, too. Learn how to get some precious “mom time” and you’ll be a much better parent.

April Perry is a co-director of The Power of Moms, wife to Eric, and mother to Alia, Grace, Ethan, and Spencer. April loves reading, writing, organizing, napping, and dancing in the kitchen with her family. She considers each day of motherhood to be a privilege but is often overwhelmed by the workload. Her daughter commented, “Mom, you know how you said you wanted to be the kind of mom who makes brownies every day? Well, the only thing WE do every day is empty the dishwasher!” (She’s now trying to be more “fun”.) April blogs at The Power of a Family.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Leslie Petruk: Overwhelmed Parent?! Gaining Your Child’s Cooperation While Building Their Confidence and Competence and Keeping your Calm

soccer games, dance class, play dates, and, oh yeah, work, are all making demands on your time, and if you’re not careful, you’ll wind up stressed and ineffective in everything you do. Learn how you can get your kids to help out, and make everyone’s life a little easier!

Leslie Petruk is a Child & Family Therapist and Parenting Expert. She has worked with children, couples and families to help them lead more connected and compassionate lives for over fifteen years. Leslie and her husband of 19 years live in Charlotte, NC with their three children where she owns and runs her Counseling Center, SteppingStones Counseling & Consulting.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Jenny Krainess: Nurtured Heart Approach: Creating Inner Wealth in Every Child

Jennifer Krainess is an Advanced Trainer in the Nurtured Heart Approach and works as both a Parent Coach and Educational Consultant. Additionally, Jennifer previously taught Kindergarten for close to ten years. She resides in Cleveland, Ohio with her husband and four children.

Special Bonus – Order Today and You’ll Also Receive

“How To Manage Sibling Rivalry Without Losing Your Mind”

In this workshop replay you will learn:

♥How to really listen to each of your children and give each child exactly what they need

♥The root cause of all the fighting and negativity

♥State your values about cooperative behavior encouraging children to get along

♥The best ways to teach your children to be kind to each other

♥Appreciate each child’s unique strengths and personality

♥Teach your children to appreciate themselves and their siblings

♥Teach children to resolve their conflicts without needing and bothering YOU

This special 3-part audio is yours FREE when you sign up for the Parenting Simply Monthly Teleseminar Series

It’s Never too Late to Become a Better Parent
– And it’s Never too Late to Join Parenting Simply

No matter how old your children are, there is still time to help them gain confidence and grow into fine, responsible adults. Our parenting experts have years of experience in every phase of childhood, from toddler to teen, and each teleseminar will offer a look at another aspect of parenting that leaves many moms and dads frustrated. And of course, you’ll have plenty of time on each session to ask the questions you most need answered – it’s just like having your own expert on hand to offer advice and support just when you need it.

Plus, if you can’t attend the live call, we’ll have replays available. So even if you’ve missed the start of this event, don’t hesitate to sign up – you can still take advantage of the helpful advice these experts give. Even better, you can do it at your convenience, by downloading the audio recordings to your iPod or other MP3 player for on-the-go listening.

Order Now

Price: $57

Remember, even if you’ve missed the start of this year-long event, you can still reap the rewards. Simply sign up today, and you’ll gain instant access to all the previous session recordings.

Don’t miss this opportunity to show your kids the way to a bright future, by offering them the confidence, competence, self-esteem, and well-being every child deserves.

Extra-special bonus if you live or learn in Ohio: Our Parenting Simply teleclasses have been recognized as valuable learning experiences, so you can earn 10 CEU credits from the State of Ohio, Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board, just for participating in this year-long series!


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