Classes by parenting simply

get practical, easy to implement tips to improve your parenting and connect better with your kids

7 ways to help your kids listen in 7 days

Every day, for 7 days, you’ll get a new strategy to help your kids listen to you- straight to your inbox!


• Why it’s so hard for your kids to listen to you.

• The best ways for you to create a good home environment to help your kids listen.

• How to avoid using discouraging language.

• How to phrase your requests so that your kids can listen and stop tuning you out.

• Simple ways to stop arguing with your kids


• How to help your children be problem solvers so that they feel more invested in their home and family making them more likely to listen and cooperate.

Get Along and Thrive with Your Strong Willed Child

In this workshop you will learn: 

♥ The positive side of having a Strong-Willed child

♥  Why Strong-Willed children don’t listen

♥ The best ways to communicate with your child so they can listen

♥ Phrases you can use to stop the arguing right away

♥ How to teach them ways to respectfully disagree

♥ Step by step ways to help them hear “no” and respond to direct commands

Foolproof ways to manage tantrums

No matter what age your child may be, tantrums happen. 

As parents, it's important to know why they happen and how to handle them to remain calm and know how to create a safe space for your child and their emotions. 


Whether your child is going through the "Terrible Two's" or you're dealing with pre-teens, there is something for every parent in this 2-hour class. 


Get the foolproof ways on how to deal with temper tantrums I wish I knew as a young parent.

Sibling rivalry 2.0

Whether you are a parent or a professional who works with children: fighting happens. 


How you respond makes a difference in your child's development.


In this workshop, you will learn how to discourage teasing, resolve conflicts peacefully, engage your child’s cooperation, and learn how to encourage good feelings between siblings.

How to parent your kids without anger

Do you want to stop feeling frustrated, guilty, and at the end of your rope with your kids?


Anger is a normal human emotion – but acting in anger and using angry words with our kids is far from healthy.  


How many times have you regretted something you said to one of your kids? 


It happens to all of us – kids know how to get to us! 


Losing it with them is a hard habit to break – but it CAN be conquered.

Hi there!

I'm Adina Soclof, MS. CCC-SLP, and founder of


In this class, I will give you proven strategies and share expert advice to help you keep calm during heated situations. 


By working through the workbook, you will be able to put into practice everything you learn! 

As parents, I want to help you gain control of your emotions to be a calmer, more confident parent. 


I can't wait for you to join!

Are you a professional?