
Exhausted All The Time? Steps To Getting The Quiet You Need

Overwhelmed MotherWe had a great class with April Perry, of .

She spoke about how important it is for Moms to get the quiet and rest that they need.

What struck me most about the whole class was the emphasis on structure that helps keep her home calm and peaceful. April mentioned many times that it is a priority for her that she gets the quiet she needs and her children get the quiet they need, as if it is a necessity. I think quiet is a necessity that we have forgotten about. We need to recharge and replenish our energy and many of us need to do that when it is quiet.

What struck me most is that she has spent a lot of time teaching her children to help out, do their jobs and find things that interest them during their quiet time. She suggested many simple tips for doing that. Most of all it is a family affair. April has also taught her children to respect her need for quiet, which is a valuable lesson in respecting one’s parents.

Towards the end of the class, I asked her about children who are full of energy. She has a child like that, but still felt it was important that he learn how to slow down, concentrate and play by himself. That is her goal for him during his quiet time.

I think if we took the time to structure our home in the way April Perry describes, we might have less behavior problems. We and our kids would not be as cranky. We might actually feel rested!

April has been so kind as to offer members free downloads which have more information on this topic at

If you missed the class- you can still get the audio!

Sign up here!

Moms Quiet Time: Learn To Take Care Of Yourselves So You Can Take Care Of Your Kids




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