
Good Parenting: Teaching Parents To Be Grateful from hailey bartholomew on Vimeo.

Last week I posted this video. It really captured my imagination. Being grateful for the little things in life is a sure way to feel authentically happy. It  has been scientifically proven that keeping a journal of those things can keep you upbeat and joyful, a natural mood booster.  For those of you, who don’t like to write, or might not have time, keeping a photo journal, (easy to do today with your cell phone’s camera) is another great way to do this.

Today in Cleveland the weather seems balmy, its only 45 degrees but it feels like 60 because of the Polar Vortex last week. It got me thinking,  if it hadn’t been so cold, I would not have been grateful for today’s weather. And then I thought about how great it was that my kids had 2 days off last week and how much I enjoyed being lazy with them. I also thought about all the things I was grateful for when the temperature hit 0 degrees. So I got out my iPhone and took some pics.

Here they are:


My furnace that kept on chugging away keeping us all toasty and warm.

photo 1

The recliner that I hogged for 2 days. I only gave it up when my husband came home, it’s his favorite chair:

photo 2

Noonie’s blanket that she knitted for my husband and I as a wedding gift. It’s so cozy and perfect for a cold day:

The coziest, warmest fleece sweatshirt that I own. I have it in 2 other colors. Lived in them!


I would love to hear what you are grateful for. Leave your comments below!


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