Is Your Child Struggling In School? Help Them Learn

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I was invited to run a workshop for teachers in a local school here in Cleveland. We will be using the book How To Talk So Kids Can Learn ” That is just one of the great books that Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish wrote.

I just read over the first chapter, “How To Deal with Feelings That Interfere with Learning.” It is a great review on how to reflect your child’s feelings instead of constantly denying them.

For example:

Instead of saying:

“Why are you crying over a little scratch? It’s no big deal!”

We can reflect their feelings:

“A scratch can hurt!”

When your student/child says:

“I can’t think of anything to write for this assignment!”

Instead of saying:

“Yes you can, you need to try harder!”

We can reflect their feelings:

“It can be a challenge to find a topic for your essay…”

Once we accept a child’s feelings instead of denying them, kids start to feel better.

According to Faber and Mazlish:

“There is a direct connection between how kids feel and how they behave. When kids feel right, they’ll behave right. How do we help them to feel right? By accepting their feelings”

It might sounds strange but it works.
Try it with your kids or students and let us know what happens…
Comment below..


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