
Organizing The Disorganized Child: Simple Ways You Can Help: Part 3

Screen Shot 2014-01-12 at 7.54.35 PMSince November we have been discussing the processes of Executive Functions and how difficulties in these areas impacts children and the adults who care for them. In the past few weeks we have spoken about how help children manage their difficulties in the area of Executive Functions. We spoke about giving children choices, some control and help processing directions. Here are some other simple ways to help your children manage their Executive Function difficulties:

1. Don’t over-schedule
Because these children have a hard time shifting from activity to activity it is important that we don’t over-schedule them. This will prevent many incidents of defiant/challenging behavior. To help them manage their feelings we can give them words to describe their emotions:
• “You don’t like change.”
• “You like to be organized.”
• “You need to know what to expect.”
• “You like routines and plans

Identify transitions: Use the word “transition” to describe to your child what is happening. Train them to look for transition times.

Affirm their feelings while they are moving through a transition:
• “Rushing is stressful for you.”
• “You weren’t expecting that.”
• “Surprises are too much”
• “It is hard to leave”

Additional strategies to assist during transitions:
• Allow extra time for transitions
• Establish routines
• Avoid surprises
• Give 5-10 minute warnings
• Limit transitions and over scheduling
• Help clients refocus on their next activity

2. Singing
This is a great tip for toddlers and young children. Instead of telling children what to do, you can sing it in a song. Most parents are familiar with the clean up song. You can also sing to move your child from one activity to another, i.e., “We are brushing our teeth and getting into the bath.” It is also a great way to encourage language, attention, turn taking and coping with transitions. Studies have shown that music improves mood, decreases muscle tension and increases feelings of relaxation.


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