Press/Media Kit

Looking for a  speaker for your next parenting workshop, conference or professional development program?

Our classes focus on giving parents,  the tools they need to raise resilient,  responsible and emotionally healthy children and maintain a caring and loving home. The techniques taught are practical and easy to implement. We all know that learning is done best in a fun, relaxed, nonjudgmental environment and we strive to create that feeling in our workshops.

Our professional development programs are geared to bring clinicians and teachers the latest, most up to date information in their fields and are designed to enhance participants’ knowledge and skillsets in their profession.

Please contact us for more information: Contact form

Here is a list of the classes we offer. We can also design a class based on your school or organization’s needs:

Adina Soclof MS. CCC-SLP

Speech Pathologist

Parent Coach


1. When Your Child Is Defiant: Simple Ways To Avoid Power Struggles: 1-hour Workshop

The purpose of this 1-hour course is to teach Parents effective and practical methods of handling defiant and challenging behaviors in their children.  The importance of positive communication patterns will be discussed. Parents will be given hands on instruction on how to diffuse power struggles and avoid triggering negative behavior.

2.Parenting Simply Foundations Course: 6-hour Workshop

The purpose of this 6-hour course is to teach Parents effective and practical methods of discipline to use in their home with their children.  The importance of positive communication patterns will be discussed. Parents will be given hands on instruction on how to develop a good and nurturing relationship with their children.

3. Teaching Resilience: Helping Kids Take Responsibility For Their Schoolwork: 1-hour Workshop

Participants will learn how to:

  • Help your child be responsible for themselves, their chores and their homework
  • Teach your child how to handle disappointment
  • Empower your child to become an independent and successful adult
  • Teach your child how to manage their feelings and relate to other.
  • Improve your child’s self esteem in a healthy ways
  • Instill a good work ethic in your children


4. Simple Ways To Parent Without Anger: 2-hour course

 Parents will:

  • Learn to become a more confident and competent parent.
  • Learn how to stay calm while managing tantrums, bedtime battles, fighting, and backtalk.
  • Find out how to deal with your anger.
  • Learn to get rid of your anger in small, easy, doable steps.
  • Learn healthy ways to release your frustration.
  • How to raise your voice without hurting your kids.

Learn to talk to your kids so they become more cooperative, responsible, and self-sufficient.

5. Raising Resilient Responsible Independent Children2- hour course

  • Help your child  be responsible for themselves, their chores and their homework
  • Teach your child how to handle disappointment
  • Empower your child to become an independent and successful adult
  • Teach your child how to manage their feelings and relate to others
  • Give advice to your child in a way that they will actually listen
  • Increase your child’s emotional intelligence
  • Improve your child’s self esteem in the right way
  • Instill good values in your children

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