
Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids: Part 1

As parents we know the the importance of raising emotionally healthy kids. We all want our kids to be confident and feel competent. We want them to be able to handle all the challenges that life throws their way.

Here are 3 more ways that we can promote emotional health in our children:

1. Stick to the limits that you set:
This might come as a surprise but one of those ways we can develop our kids emotional health is for us parents to be confident in our ability to parent effectively.

One way to do that is to understand that children need rules and limits that are fair and consistent. They also need parents who can enforce them. When parents are wishy-washy with rules, kids feel rootless, they don’t know what to expect. Kids feel safe when parents are firm with their rules.

2. Don’t use accusing language:

Unfortunately, even the best parents can talk to their kids in a way that is discouraging. Without realizing it, parents might be chipping away at their child’s self-esteem and their kids emotional health.

There are ways for parents to improve their communication.
Talking to kids in an encouraging way can be learned. It is one of those skills that can be acquired. One way that we can enhance our communication skills is to stop using accusing language.
Instead of saying:
“Why can’t you just do the dishes when we ask you?”
Try saying this:
“Sara, the dishes are waiting.”

3. Listen to your kids:

A great way to ensure your child’s emotional health is show that you respect their point of view and value their input. One of the best ways to do that is to ask them to assist you in thinking of solutions to the little domestic problems that come up everyday.

For example:

“What can we do to make sure that the snacks are shared evenly in the house?”
“There has been some fighting about the basketball hoop. How can we make sure that everyone is getting a turn?”

Raising emotionally healthy kids is something we all strive to do. Sticking to your rules, valuing your kid’s input and listening are all great ways to do just that.


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