
Sibling Rivalry: Fighting In The Car: Part 2

Our last class about fighting in the car struck a chord with parents. It was a very popular post.
Here is another story to help you keep the peace while you are driving:

We were in the car on our way to see my niece in a play. E asks if we can buy candy at the play. I say yes, during intermission.

A: “What is intermission?”
(Why he still asks questions in front of his brother is beyond me, but he does.)

E: “You don’t know what intermission is. How can you not know what intermission is?”

A: ” I do know, I am just asking because I want to make sure you know what it is.”

I was very impressed with A’s comeback, he is starting to get more savvy. A couple of months ago, he would have cried.

Me: (still trying to broker a peace treaty and use my excellent parenting skills)
“In our family we encourage the asking of questions. I am glad A that you ask what word “intermission” means. E, you have taught your brother lots of things, how to throw a baseball, soccer kicks and banangrams. I expect you to also teach A the words that he does not know.”

There is quiet in the backseat of our van. It is a very beautiful sound.

For more great info join our workshop:
“How To Handle Sibling Rivalry Without Losing Your Mind”

Let us know what you do to keep the peace in your car.
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