Socially Speaking: Teaching Kids To Take Turns

pic of kids taking turnsA+ Solutions has an exciting program coming up!
We are partnering with the Mandel JCC pre-school here in Cleveland.
A+ Solution’s, Speech Pathologist,Odette Hankins, MS. CCC-SLP is our featured speaker.
Socially Speaking: The Link Between Language And Social Skills

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Socially Speaking: The Link Between Language And Social Skills

What are some of the links between language and social skills? You would be surprised to find out how important language is in helping children develop friendships and succeed academically.

One of the most basic language skills that children need in order to be effective in social situations is turn taking. Turn taking needs to be learned so that children can learn to communicate with others. They need to know that conversation is a give and take. It requires listening as well as speaking.

There are many ways that we instinctively teach turn taking to babies. Responding to our babies cry,or their cooing and babbling is in essence an interaction in communicative turn taking. The game of Peek-a-boo is probably the most popular where we (unknowingly) teach turn taking to babies.

As children get older they need to learn how to share toys and take turns in conversation. Simple games like rolling a ball back and forth and board games require turn taking skills.

A great way to promote turn taking in young children is to talk about it with them. One simple, fun way to do that is to watch this Sesame Street video along with your child:

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Don’t forget to sign up here for our upcoming program:

Socially Speaking: The Link Between Language And Social Skills

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