
Trichotillomania (Compulsive Hair Pulling): Gaining Understanding And Finding Hope

A+ TrichotillomaniaPart of my new job as the Director of Parent Outreach at A+ Solutions is to develop educational and informational webinars for parents and professionals.

A+ Solutions has many fabulous professionals working for them. One of their counselors is  Amy Burzinski, LISW-S, LCSW-C . You might remember her because she was a presenter for Parenting Simply last year. She spoke about her Upstander Project, a bullying prevention program. Amy’s talents do not stop there. She  is one of the few clinicians who specializes in treating clients with Trichotillomania, compulsive hair pulling.

I met with Amy last week and  she explained that compulsive hair pulling and other body focused repetitive behaviors affect millions. But it often goes untreated because this behavior is often experienced in secrecy and shame. Amy’s goal is to give people a better understanding of how common these behaviors are. She would like to make people aware of how cultural and societal influences may add to the stigma and fear in asking for help. To help her do just that,  A+ Solutions and are pleased to announce our next webinar:

Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling): Gaining Understanding And Finding Hope
Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Click here to sign up

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