The best parenting is done when you
“Catch your child being good”
Why is this important?
Because it helps you see your child’s best attributes. It helps parenting, become less stressful, more fun, joyous and helpful. You can see your child in a new light and you can become more loving and less critical.

Giving attention to bad behavior reinforces bad behavior.
Focusing on good and desirable behavior, however small, reinforces that behavior.

Not only that,
The way you perceive our child affects the way we discipline them. When you view them as bad, your discipline may come along with lots of anger

If you view your children as good, your discipline will be softer, kinder, firm and more effective

It might take a while to retrain your brain to look for the good but it is well worth the effort.

What is one simple way we can do this?

Become a “spin doctor.” Redefine your child’s most challenging traits in positive words.

Understand that the thing about your child that might make you cringe is actually a glimpse of his greatness, his untapped potential.

That is why the next time your child is defiant – try to see that they are courageous.

When you look at your child’s messy room instead of seeing a slob appreciate the disorder as a sign of creativity.

How about your wild, high energy child. Can you envision him as an athlete?

Don’t get frustrated with your picky eater. Think of her as a future gourmet chef.

How about your shy child? View him or her as thoughtful, inner-directed and observant, a future researcher.

Do you think of your child as a “big mouth” because she is constantly talking and letting you know her opinion? Think of her as expressive, friendly, a future orator.

Is your child always fighting for what is hers? Perhaps she will always work to seek justice in our world.

What about your daydreamer, Can you imagine them as a visionary or inventor?

Remember, words power our thoughts. So, negative words generate negative thoughts that bring us down. Positive words create positive thoughts that empower the people around us.

Let us love our children by seeing and appreciating their unique personality.
Let us value our children for who they are and who they can be

So remember, “Catch your child being good!”

2 Responses

  1. aww thanks for this, great to refocus and think of positive instead of anger. sometimes it is hard to be calm when faced with a defiant angry child, but as is mentioned they have courage speaking up, just need to be heard.

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